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Covid-19 and climate action: Understanding key trends

The impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on people and the economy will be massive and long-lasting. Coupled with widespread global protests and a growing movement to dismantle systemic racism, the world is experiencing a period of profound change, with significant implications for addressing the climate crisis. Our latest analysis reveals some key trends that should be considered for creating an equitable and climate-resilient future.

This brief is the first in a new Global Intelligence series. Covid-19 and Climate Action: Understanding Key Trends provides our assessment of how climate action priorities and philanthropic strategies may evolve in light of various trends unfolding as a result of Covid-19.

It covers a range of topics, including:

  • The pandemic’s impact on near-term greenhouse gas emissions,
  • Evaluation of economic stimulus programs in major recovering economies,
  • How to harness changing individual behaviors to benefit the climate,
  • Implications of potential shifts in global trade,
  • Analysis of various economic recovery scenarios, and
  • Philanthropic opportunities and considerations amid these rapidly changing global circumstances.

Our Covid-19 and Climate Action series will continue with actionable intelligence on topics including climate action priorities for near- and long-term action, recovery scenarios, and regional priorities. Stay tuned for more to come!

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Published June 26, 2020
